Do you really need a PIM for Adobe Commerce?

Do you really need a PIM for Adobe Commerce?

Many businesses across the globe are relying on Adobe Commerce (formerly known as Magento 2) for their e-commerce needs because of its advanced functionality, scalability options, high-security measures, and quality customer support.

However, as is often the case, Adobe Commerce is not a one-in-all solution and still has its pain points for many, especially for organizations with a large number of products and complex product data needs. Similar to many other e-commerce platforms, Adobe Commerce excels in presenting existing product data but falls short when it comes to assisting with data creation, enrichment, unification, translation, or transformation.

It lacks features to streamline workflows for generating high-quality product descriptions, especially in collaborative environments requiring input from multiple team members. Adobe Commerce lacks essential functionalities such as status updates, task assignments, and task creation, making it unsuitable for organizing such workflows, as these capabilities were not part of its primary design.

The system specifically designed to handle the tasks outlined above is known as PIM (Product Information Management System).

Implementing a PIM system in addition to the existing e-commerce platforms like Adobe Commerce means making a strategic improvement for data accuracy and consistency within Adobe and/or all the other sales channels your business uses or will use at any time in the future.

The Challenges for Growing Adobe Commerce Stores

As businesses grow and product catalogs expand, Adobe Commerce users face the challenge of organizing and maintaining accurate product information. Expanding businesses often deal with an increasing number of products, each with multiple attributes, variations, and associated data. Managing this complex product data manually becomes challenging and prone to errors.

Additionally, product information often comes from various sources such as suppliers, manufacturers, and internal teams. Consolidating and organizing data from these disparate sources is time-consuming and usually inefficient without a centralized system.

Consistent product data across all sales channels is crucial for building brand trust and providing a seamless omnichannel shopping experience for customers. To address these challenges effectively, consider integrating your store with Adobe Commerce through a PIM system—or should we say, integrating PIM with your Adobe Commerce store? Either way, the Adobe Commerce PIM Integration offered by AtroPIM works both ways and allows for bilateral data exchange.

What does the PIM system do?

Centralizing, standardizing, and enriching product content are the primary functions within a Product Information Management (PIM) system, but its capabilities extend far beyond. A PIM system enables the organization and automation of all tasks associated with content preparation, including product catalog management. Tasks such as preparing, enriching, and translating product information, along with organizing digital assets, represent some of the core functions of PIM. Additionally, PIM systems offer advanced import and export functionalities that surpass those built into Adobe.

A PIM (Product Information Management) system enables you to:

  • Accelerate product onboarding
  • Speed up content creation
  • Enhance the quality of product data significantly
  • Optimize content for SEO
  • Create and manage product relationships effectively

Product Data Onboarding

PIM streamlines the process of product data onboarding by handling tasks such as importing data from multiple suppliers and distributors, unifying and transforming data during import, and automating the import process.

With a PIM system, you can easily configure multiple import feeds to bring in data from various suppliers.

Product classification

Using a PIM system allows you to enhance product descriptions with additional attributes. When you add specific attributes to a product classification in the PIM system, any product assigned to that classification automatically inherits these attributes. This ensures consistent product descriptions across the same category or group.

Consistent classification enables effective functioning of filters in your online store, helping customers quickly and easily find the products they need. If the PIM system synchronizes with your online store, the store’s filters will be automatically generated based on the product attributes in the PIM system.

Set Up and Use Classifications:

  • Ensure products of the same type share the same classification.
  • Use appropriate data types for attributes to improve filtering. For example, if you have multiple color attributes, importing them as plain text will not allow you to create dropdown filters. Instead, use a data type that supports predefined options.

Using a comprehensive set of attributes to describe products improves the likelihood that potential buyers will find your products through filters and make a purchase.

Product Content Creation and Updating

A PIM system facilitates collaboration among various content creators and helps organize the tasks required to present products effectively in the store. It is highly valuable for preparing and managing product data, a significant portion of which will be displayed in the online store.

PIM systems offer a bulk edit functionality that allows you to add or change attributes for numerous selected products with a single action. This capability is not typically available in online store platforms.

By enabling parallel work and collaboration, PIM systems streamline and accelerate product description updates.

Content Creation and Optimization with the help of AI

The new PIM AI introduced recently can significantly enhance product content by automating various tasks. With AI capabilities, your PIM system can perform several advanced functions quicker than ever and with practically no investment:

  • Automatically generate SEO-friendly titles, descriptions and metadata tailored to target keywords, which helps your products rank higher in search engine results.
  • Create product descriptions automatically from tables or attribute values, converting structured data into engaging and informative text.
  • Effortlessly translate product content into multiple languages.
  • Optimize, analyze and improve product content for readability, keyword density, and overall quality, thus boosting user engagement and conversion rates.
  • Generate personalized content suggestions based on customer behavior and preferences, helping tailor your product listings to specific audience segments.

Preparation of product images

Since Adobe Commerce does not support the automatic generation of images in various sizes or renditions, the PIM system proves to be a valuable asset. Within the PIM software, you can automatically generate these necessary renditions, ensuring that images are available in all required sizes.

Compression and optimization are crucial for any online store. Larger image files result in longer loading times for product pages, which can negatively impact user experience. By efficiently compressing and optimizing images through the PIM system, you enhance page load speeds and provide a smoother, more satisfying shopping experience for your customers.

Product content translation

Integrating a PIM system with Adobe Commerce streamlines the translation of product content across multiple languages. This integration facilitates automated translation processes, ensuring that product descriptions, titles, and other essential information are consistently and accurately translated into various languages. By leveraging advanced translation tools within the PIM system, businesses can maintain high-quality, localized content for different markets without manual intervention. This not only saves time and reduces errors but also enhances the shopping experience for international customers by providing them with relevant, localized product information in their preferred language.

Product Relationships

Effective management of product relationships, such as cross-selling and upselling, is instrumental in maximizing revenue opportunities and enhancing the overall customer shopping experience. Since PIM systems allow the creation of different relationships between products and make these relationships consistent, they contribute to improved cross-selling and upselling. By automating product linking and ensuring consistency across all the sales channels, PIM systems optimize revenue and customer satisfaction.

Choosing the right PIM for Adobe Commerce

When choosing the right PIM for your Adobe Commerce operations, start by assessing your business requirements and challenges.

Accommodating SKU Volume

Choosing PIM providers capable of handling current SKU volumes while accommodating future scalability requirements.

Regardless of whether you have hundreds, or tens of thousands of SKUs, a proper PIM system centralizes and organizes this data, ensuring that it's structured and accessible for various purposes, such as updating product information, enriching content, and synchronizing across channels.

Enabling Multichannel Compatibility

Consistent product information across all sales channels helps build trust and credibility with customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. Therefore, prioritizing PIM solutions with seamless integration capabilities across various sales channels, not only Adobe Commerce, to make sure your product data remains complete and consistent in the long run.

Why AtroPIM is worth considering?

  1. Robust Sync Functionalities

AtroPIM offers unique benefits when integrated with Adobe Commerce, particularly in terms of automatic integration and two-way data exchange. Its exceptional feature of bidirectional data synchronization ensures that orders and customer data remain consistent across platforms. This capability enables businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver a superior customer experience, setting AtroPIM apart from other PIM solutions. Additionally, the ability to export order and customer data from Adobe Commerce for later synchronization with an ERP system further highlights the game-changing advantages of AtroPIM.

AtroPIM enables comprehensive management of product information, encompassing enrichment, translation, and syndication tasks, while also overseeing the storage and organization of digital assets such as product images.

  1. Multilingual and Multi-store Support

AtroPIM provides extensive support for multilingual and multi-store environments, which makes it easier to customize and localize product information for different markets.

  1. Scalability and Performance Optimization

AtroPIM provides scalable solutions to accommodate unlimited SKU counts without affecting performance.

  1. Intuitive User Interface and Workflow Automation

AtroPIM's user-friendly interface simplifies navigation, and its automation features streamline product data management processes. This enhances operational efficiency and boosts productivity.

Key Takeaways

Many businesses use Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento 2) for its powerful e-commerce features, but it has limitations, especially for managing large amounts of product data. Adobe Commerce excels at displaying existing data but struggles with tasks like data creation, enrichment, and translation. This is where a Product Information Management (PIM) system becomes invaluable.

A PIM system centralizes and organizes product data, making it easier to handle complex data needs. It speeds up product onboarding, improves data quality, and supports bulk editing. By integrating a PIM system with Adobe Commerce, businesses can enhance their product content and streamline workflows. For example, PIM systems help create consistent product descriptions, manage product classifications, and prepare images in various sizes. They also leverage AI to automate SEO tasks, generate content, and translate product information efficiently. This integration ensures better data accuracy, faster updates, and a smoother shopping experience across all sales channels.

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