
As a most advanced open-source PIM system AtroPIM offers a lot of features in a base version, which is totally free.

AtroPIM is feature-rich and helps you to organize efficient teamwork to prepare your product information by simplifying and automating many processes. The quality of your product data is thus increased and the associated costs reduced. AtroPIM is simple, intuitively understandable and user-friendly.

Features Overview

Model your data by configuring entities, fields, attributes and relations, adapt the UIs to the configured data model. You can manage any data you want.

AtroPIM is web-based and has responsive user interfaces, so you can work on any device – desktop, tablet, smartphone. A web browser is all you need.

Quickly import data (incl. direct relationships) from different sources in any form by using 100% configurable import feeds.

Use the most advanced access control – you can configure permissions and access levels for any entity on the system, even at field level.

Standardize and structure your product data in any way you want – using product families, catalogs, categories, channels and product hierarchies.

Manage any product-related HTML content – landing pages, press releases, additional descriptions, etc.

Increase the quality, accuracy and consistency of your product data thanks to validations, data completeness checking and approvals.

Set up and use channel-specific product attributes and optimize their values for different channels.

Use advanced data filtering and search functions and save your queries or use full-text search for more complicated search scenarios.

Set product associations, such as upsell, cross-sell, and much more to boost your e-commerce revenue or store product dependencies like spare parts.

Use multi-level hierarchies and data inheritance to save time and minimize mistakes – attributes can be inherited from product families. Variants inherit data from parent products.

Make bulk data changes to improve efficiency and productivity and reduce manual work.

Keep track of changes by using logging functionality – you can review all the changes and restore the old values if you wish.

Benefit from the use of the fully-fledged Digital Asset Management System AtroCore to manage all of your digital assets.

Facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and reduce inefficiencies by centralizing your product information, using workflows and tasks.

Use portals to onboard your suppliers, distributors, retailers and other partners – offer them self-service directly on your system.

Quickly export all the data for internal purposes or channel-specific data for different channels, in any form.

Use Associated Attributes, which are automatically linked to a product after the main attribute is linked to create better and more detailed product descriptions.

Want a new feature?

You can order a new feature just by partly financing the development.

Over 50% of new features are sponsored by our customers and the community.
You will be pleasantly surprised by our prices!

Configurable Data Model and User Interfaces (UI)

  • AtroPIM has a 100% configurable data model and User Interfaces (UI) – no compromise required.

  • Create your own Entities (e.g. Contracts, Special Offers, Covers) to manage any data, add Fields and Relationships between existing and your custom Entities.

  • Modify existing Entities by adding your custom Fields – over 20 data types are available, e.g. text, html, date, list, multi-value list and more.

  • Use different types of Relationships – one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many.

  • Configure dynamic logic rules – to hide a field, make it read-only or mandatory.

  • Configure all available User Interfaces just by using drag-and-drop – Navigation, List Views, Detail Views and Panel Views for Entities and Relationships.

  • Use Panels for the Detail View to group fields by some logic.

  • All configured User Interfaces remain responsive and are automatically mobile-ready.

Product Data Management and Quality

  • Manage hundreds of thousands of products.

  • Build up product data structures of any complexity – the data model and user interfaces are 100% configurable.

  • Use different data types for your product fields and attributes to make your data searchable and filterable and enhance the quality of your data.

  • Track changes in product information and restore the old values if necessary.

  • Set global or channel-specific attribute values for your products for the best support of your omnichannel strategy.

  • Use advanced search (also full-text search) and filters to find products or other data records you want to work with quickly.

  • Use Mass Update to simultaneously change field values for multiple records – e.g. status, activity, brand, etc.

  • Manage any product-related content: HTML content for your Landing Pages, additional descriptions, etc.

Catalogs and Channels

  • Use product catalogs to segment your product range, create catalog versions, or manage product catalogs from different suppliers.

  • Assign multiple category trees to a catalog to enable assignment of these categories to a product from this catalog.

  • Merge multiple catalogs to create your own master catalog.

  • Use channels as destinations for your product data to streamline product marketing in your omnichannel!

  • You can create and use as many channels as you want.

  • You can define the product data languages for each channel.

  • The following distribution channels are conceivable – online stores, websites, print catalogs, e-commerce platforms, etc.

  • By assigning category trees to channels you can determine which products to publish via each channel. Products can also be assigned directly to a channel.

  • Products can have different attribute values per channel, e.g. because of double content problems, different marketing strategies, etc.

Product Classifications and Taxonomies

  • Use product families to classify your products. Products can inherit attributes from product families.

  • Use multi-level product hierarchies, so that child products (variants) can inherit attribute values and relations from the parent product.

  • Define whether the attribute values are mandatory or optional in a product family and whether these values are global or channel-specific.

  • Define the sort order of the product attributes within a product family.

  • Create and use multiple categories and category trees for different catalogs and/or channels.

  • Assign a product to multiple categories, which are enabled for the catalog of the product and to automatically assign this product to channels these categories are assigned to.

  • You can configure whether a product can only be assigned to a leaf category (has no sub-categories) or to a sub-category as well.

  • View and manage the category trees and product hierarchies via drag-and-drop.

  • Use product tagging, you can assign one or more tags to a product.

  • Create additional custom fields to better segment and classify your products.

Product Associations

  • Create associations to reflect the relationship between products.

  • Apply an unlimited number of product association types e.g. cross-selling, up-selling, substitutions, packs etc.

  • Create bilateral associations for products in one interface – a product A "consists of" product B, product B "is a part of" product A.

  • Per product an unlimited number of the associated products can be linked, e.g. Product B is a cross-selling product for product A, product C is an up-selling product for product A etc.

Attribute Management

  • Attributes can be grouped by Attribute Tabs and Attribute Groups and are displayed accordingly.

  • Use Attribute Tabs, Attribute Groups and Attributes to describe product properties of different kinds in a detailed, structured and comprehensive manner.

  • Use attributes for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), by managing PLM-relevant data in a separate Attribute Tab.

  • Attribute Tabs can be used to group attributes relevant for different purposes – marketing, support, publishing, etc.

  • You can create as many product attributes as needed, these may have over 20 predefined attribute types (Text, Date, List, Time, Integer, Image, etc).

  • Attribute values are automatically validated depending on the attribute type.

  • Attribute values can be monolingual or multilingual.

  • One attribute can be used in more than one product family – it can be mandatory in one family and voluntary in another.

  • An attribute can have both a channel-specific and global value.

  • Attributes can be assigned to a product via a product family, parent product or directly.

Digital Asset Management (DAM)

  • 100% configurable data model and user interfaces.

  • Use a fully-featured AtroCore DAM system together with AtroPIM as a single software instance.

  • Manage any files – images, documents, PDFs, videos, spreadsheets, archives, etc.

  • Configure various asset types and their validation rules to ensure the high asset quality.

  • Create Taxonomies to better structure and manage your digital assets – use Libraries, Asset Categories, Directories, Collections and Tagging.

  • Manage any data connected to your Digital Assets and their meta information – everything is configurable.

  • Take control over asset duplicates.

  • Link your Digital Assets with any entity in the system.

  • Upload your Digital Assets via (mass) upload UI, import feeds or simply upload them to Storage.

  • Share private and public assets, internally or externally, simply via URL.

  • Link related Digital Assets to find suitable assets faster.

  • Organize employee collaboration on your Digital Assets by implementing your own workflows.

Workflows and Collaboration

  • Our system is a fully-featured collaboration platform – use users, teams, roles, ownership and assignment of data records.

  • Change History” – see exactly who changed what and when.

  • Following” – track changes to selected records.

  • Notifications” – set up system and e-mail notifications.

  • Notes and Mentions” – take notes, upload files and mention other users to be notified, on every record with which you work.

  • Dashboards” – set up multiple Dashboards by using drag-and-drop, use various dashlets that have to do with product data and its quality.

  • Set up system navigation and dashboards for each user individually.

  • Configure additional fields of type multi-select list, list or checkbox to model any workflow you want to improve collaboration.

  • Responsive UI – use AtroPIM on any device: desktop, tablet or smartphone.

  • Save custom search and filter queries for future use and save time.

Data Import

  • Use configurable Import Feeds to import any data into your system, in any entity including your custom entities.

  • Use different action types to import your data – Create, Update, Delete and all possible combinations.

  • There are many configuration possibilities for you data formats.

  • Data can be imported along with direct relationships – e.g. you can import product data records, so that category records are also created and linked to appropriate products.

  • Different data structures are supported for the related data depending on the relationship type – one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many.

  • Data is imported line by line – the whole line is imported in full or not at all. Use detailed logs and download files consisting of lines with errors to improve these.

Data Export

  • Use configurable Export Feeds to export any data from your system, from any entity including your custom entities.

  • There are many configuration possibilities for you data formats.

  • Use advanced search and filters to export appropriate data.

  • Apply Export Feeds directly to the records you select on the entity list views.

  • Export data together with direct relationships – e.g. you can export product data records together with category records, you define the fields for each exported entity.

  • Enjoy support for different data structures depending on the relationship type – one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many.

  • Apply filters, sorting rules, offsets and limits to the related data.

  • Automatically split Export Jobs if there are too many records.

Identity & Access Management (IAM)

  • Create Users, Roles, Teams and Accounts to manage access and permissions.

  • Assign multiple Roles to Teams and Users.

  • Defining a Role configures access and permissions for each Entity separately, including for your custom Entities.

  • Use Access Levels to restrict access in an entity – a User can have access to no entries, to own entries, to team-assigned entries, to account-assigned entries and to all entries.

  • Configure Permissions at a field level – a User can have write permission to a data record as a whole, and read permission for certain field.

Our Highlights

Low costs and short time-to-market

100% open source and customizable

Expandable with paid and free modules

Seamlessly integrates with other systems

For efficient teamwork and collaboration

Configurable data model and user interfaces

No user limit or other restrictions

Simple and intuitively understandable

100% web-based and platform-independent

User-friendly and time-saving

Feature-rich right out of the box

Modern, highly scalable and future-oriented