System Enhancements and New Features

System Enhancements and New Features

What's New?

Improved PDF Generator

We’ve made it easier to create PDFs by automatically linking specific fields in your documents to the corresponding data in our system. This means your PDFs will now have consistent and accurate information without extra manual work.

We've achieved this by adding automatic linking for variables in Libre Office (ODT) files that have the same names as PIM fields.

Customization of User Interface

Additionally, you can now add custom tracking codes or scripts directly to the header of your interface. This feature allows you to easily integrate additional tools or functionalities. Simply go to Administration / User Interface and add your code into the Head Code section. Make sure to check your code before using it, as our system doesn't validate custom code for you.

New Action "Delete"

We’ve added a "Delete" action, making it simple for you to remove outdated or unnecessary data from the system. This gives you more control over keeping your data clean and organized.

Product Components Management

We’ve started improving how you can manage different parts of your products. By creating a Component Type entity, it’s now easier to organize and categorize the various components of your products, helping you maintain a well-structured product catalog.

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