PIM Software

What Should Manufacturers Look for in a PIM System?

Maufacturers have to ensure the PIM system works with your specific PLM, ERP, and CAD systems

On-Premise PIM: A Thing of the Past or Reliable Solution?

In reality, on-premise PIM solutions can be highly advanced, extremely customizable, and more cost-effective than you might expect.

Unlocking PIM: Enhanced Product Information Management

What is PIM system? What are PIM functionality and types, who needs PIM the most, how PIM AI combined help increase efficiency and reduce costs in 2024

How Much Do PIM Systems Really Cost?

Learn how much PIM solutions will really cost you. Conception, setup, license, maintenance costs, hidden charges, and more

Is Headless PIM the Future of E-commerce?

PIM is headless by default, but the way you defined headless matters. Explore the nuances of headless software architecture and distinguish the roles of headless and API-first approaches.

PIM for Marketing - an innovative tool to increase sales

Nowadays the role of PIM for marketing managers is incredible. Find out here how PIM systems can affect marketing processes in your company.

Top 10 requirements for a PIM system

What are the most important PIM requirements during the system evaluation? Find out here how to select an appropriate solution for your business.

How to Choose the Right PIM Agency for You?

PIM agencies may offer various services beyond just implementing the software itself. Consider whether you require assistance with data migration, integration with other systems

Top 19 features of a PIM system for your business

In this article we provide you with insights into the most important features delivered by the Product Information Management (PIM) system.

What is the difference between PIM and ERP?

An ERP is used for planning and control of product-related processes. A PIM is an efficient complement to it - for managing product data.

Using a PIM for Product Life Cycle Management

PLM systems are not intended for marketing. PIM systems are! Use them to improve your Product Life Cycle Management.

20 best practices for successful PIM implementation

In this article, I will give you some essential tips to help you to overcome all the possible problems that you might encounter with the …