
Product Catalogs - Definition, Types, Standards and Trends

In today's digital world, product catalogs have changed dramatically. Read more about the special features of modern online product catalogs here!

Uniform data structure through the use of PIM

The PIM data structure should be developed so that the product information can be exchanged as automatically as possible.

Product Data Enrichment - Solutions and Techniques

Enriching product data typically involves **adding attributes, descriptions, images, specifications, and other relevant information to product listings.

What is the growth stage of the product life cycle?

The growth stage of the product life cycle happens once the product is developed and introduced to the market. Sometimes, growth is very quick, …

How to become one of the best omnichannel retailers?

In this article I describe the criteria for omnichannel excellence, some examples and what needs to be done to become one of the best omnichanne…